How did Africans under-develop Africa?

You know, it would help us all enormously if everyone reviewed Europe, The Americas and Asia's history before asking questions about Africa. Yugoslavia was a creation of the First World War, where the elites of Europe decided to create a country out of 4 different "tribes" who were all Slav's and white. This country lasted for 70 years and then imploded.

Czechoslovakia has a similar history - that one lasted for 20 years and then again for 50 years and then became 2 countries. At least no-one died. Most of Africa has not been independent for 50 years!! We need to recover from problem that was colonialism and we need to recover from the problems created by our artificial borders. When white folks talk about the "good stuff" colonialism brought it is always about roads/railways/infrastructure and so forth. What is not mentioned or thought about is how African minds were also colonised. To be truly free we need to liberate our minds (paraphrasing Steve Biko). This exercise takes generations! So to start this liberation: please explain what you mean by under-development? What are the metrics and by whose standard are we held accountable for under-development? For the record: I am inclined to agree with some of Innocent's points: we need to own our failures so that we can own our successes. Where I disagree with Innocent is in his idea that Africans see themselves as Africans first and "brothers" from other nations are equal citizens. This is not true on any other continent and it is certainly not true in Africa. By this I mean that a German is German first and then European. A Korean is Korean first and then Asian. An African is Zimbabwean first and THEN an African. In other words: Africans did not sell their brothers into slavery - they sold the "other" in the same way that the Romans bought and sold Gauls or German barbarians.

Here is the answer below: There are many factors that have contributed to Africa's underdevelopment. Some of these factors include: *Colonialism: Colonialism had a devastating impact on Africa. European powers exploited Africa's natural resources and labor, and they created artificial borders that divided ethnic groups and made it difficult for African countries to develop.

*The slave trade: The slave trade also had a negative impact on Africa. Millions of Africans were enslaved and taken to the Americas, where they were forced to work in brutal conditions. The slave trade depopulated Africa and disrupted the continent's economic and social development.

*Civil wars and conflict: Africa has been plagued by civil wars and conflict for many years. These conflicts have caused widespread death and destruction, and they have made it difficult for African countries to develop.
*Poverty: Poverty is a major problem in Africa. Many Africans live on less than $1 a day, and they lack access to basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare. Poverty makes it difficult for Africans to invest in their own development.

*Corruption: Corruption is a major problem in many African countries. Corrupt leaders steal public funds and use them for their own personal gain. This prevents governments from investing in development projects and providing basic services to their citizens. These are just some of the factors that have contributed to Africa's underdevelopment. It is important to remember that Africa is a continent with a rich history and culture. Africans have the potential to develop their continent and create a better future for themselves and their children. However, they will need to overcome the challenges that they face in order to achieve their goals.


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