Who are the San people?
The san are the oldest inhabitants of South Africa having lived at least 20,000 years ago.The term San is most commonly used to refer to a diverse group of hunter-gatherers living in southern Africa who share historical and linguistic ties. The total San population is only 100,000 with the majority being 63000 in Botswana which is 2.8% of the population ,27,000 in Namibia and 10,000 in South Africa. The San are some of the naturally light-skinned Africans along with the Nama and Botswana.This light skin "question" made scholars and anthropologists such as Schlebusch (1996) and Yates (1994) wonder if there was an exchange between Kushite pastoralists and the Khoisan peoples. Various Y chromosome studies have shown that San carry some of the most divergent (oldest) human Y haplogroups. These subgroups are specific subgroups of haplogroups A and B,the two oldest branches on the human Y chromosome tree. Do San still live in ancient times?San societies in South Africa...